What is Image Transformation Therapy?

By Ann Peters Miller, M.S., LMHP

Image Transformation Therapy was developed by Robert Miller Ph.D. He created this therapy after working with soldiers returning from deployment.  He realized that the pain and terror they experienced during deployment generated images in their memories that kept them prisoners to the past events, so the event itself was not causing the problems per se, but the images that were created in their minds instead.

Trauma therapy is an essential service to offer at a counseling center . Studies show that roughly 70% of the population will experience a traumatic event in their life. Learning about trauma informed therapy has helped me understand that having the client recount a traumatic memory only re-traumatizes them.  Image Transformation Therapy enables the client to work on the trauma they experienced without having to share the painful details. This memory may be causing them difficulties in their current life.   This relatively new therapy that I have been using has shown to be very helpful in relieving pain and fear. It utilizes new processing techniques, and a different understanding of psychological dynamics. The treatment is easier and faster than other therapies that are often very difficult to resolve. 

The premise is that “pain and fear underlie all emotions such as guilt and shame.”  A simple breathing/visualization protocol is used to clear out these memories. This approach doesn’t require you to experience the feelings of pain, fear, guilt and shame. These can be gently and easily released using this method of therapy. And these intense feelings do not have to be experienced to be released. 

The goal is to eliminate the pain and terror (fear) by using a breathing and visualization technique. Then the image is deconstructed. 

Image transformation therapy can be used to process negative cognitions as well. Cognitions such as “I’m stupid,” I’m inferior,” and “Nobody likes me.” It can also be used for chronic pain, OCD, addictions, anxiety, depression, phobias, and traumatic events, etc. 

The client is instructed to give the feeling a color. You might think that is odd, but we give color to many things, such as Rhythm and Blues, baby blues, seeing red when you are angry, green with envy, and Kenny Rogers sang about the Coward of the County, “folks just called him yellow.” 

The result is that there is much less resistance from the client, no feelings of flooding or dissociation. Even the most traumatic memories can be easily and quickly released.

Here’s an example: let’s say you have to give a speech the next day. This might cause you to be a little anxious.

 Can you notice the sensation of anxiety in your body? 

 What color is the sensation of the anxiety? - now just think about the color. 

Where is that color located in your body?

Now visualize that color as being composed of tiny little particles.

Now visualize that you are breathing directly into the particles of color into the part of the body in which you are feeling the sensation. Then breathe the tiny particles of color directly out the pores of your skin in that area.

We then go through different parts of the body releasing the particles. After doing the entire release process the client will feel much more calm. 

This form of therapy can be used easily with children as well.  Children can be asked to give a color to a feeling, draw a picture of the feeling and then rip the piece of paper up. 

If you are interested in learning more, please contact our office at 402-489-1834 or speak to your current provider.